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Beverley Fitzwilliam Harries

An Artist in love with West Indian reality.

 Beverley Fitzwilliam Harries, or “Flossy” as she is referred to by friends and family, was born in Trinidad in 1956. She was “totally” consumed by art from a young age, something that made studying Fine Art in Canada with a Painting Major, a natural choice.  After completing her studies, she returned to Trinidad where she worked as a teacher for almost 20 years. 

During this time she painted sporadically, mostly on commissions and with the odd burst of energy. However, in 1997, Beverley resigned from her teaching post and migrated to Jamaica with her family where they lived for a few years before relocating to St. Lucia in 2000. 


Living in St. Lucia gave Beverley the blank canvas to start again. Since her move she attended a number of workshops in neighbouring Barbados before returning to Trinidad where she currently lives and works. Beverley is an active member of the Art Society of Trinidad and Tobago, in addition to being a resident artist of both Y Art Gallery and 101 Art Gallery, both of which are located in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.

Her preferred medium is acrylic on canvas and she enjoys spending her time depicting the florid tropical surroundings of her homeland with her signature Fauve use of colour.


Title: Cannonball Flowers

Medium: Acrylic On Canvas

Size: 48" x 12"

The incredible cannonball tree in this painting is native to the tropical forests of Central and South America, and is cultivated in many other tropical areas throughout the world due to its lovely, fragrant flowers and large fruits.

Some trees flower profusely until the entire trunk is covered with racemes. One tree can hold as many as 1000 flowers per day. The flowers are strongly scented, and are especially fragrant at night and in the early morning.

The fruits are spherical with a woody shell and reach diameters of up to 25 cm, hence the name “cannonball tree”.

Price: TTD $7,875.00

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Title: Turure

Medium: Acrylic On Canvas

Size: 31" x 24"

The Turure Watersteps are in Cumaca in East Trinidad. The main attraction is the curtain of water that gushes over its naturally formed water steps. As you traverse the river channel, you will find that the landscape encompasses many pools and waterfalls within the enchanting rainforest. The best time to visit Turure is during the rainy season when the river levels are higher and water pressure is increased, showcasing the lovely water steps in all its incredible magnificence.

Price: TTD $9,000.00

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Title: Hillside

Medium: Acrylic On Canvas

Size: 16" x 12"

The branches of tall trees against the steep and verdant mountainside in the glory of the changing seasons.

Price: TTD $4,500.00

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Title: White Hawk

Medium: Acrylic On Canvas

Size: 24" x 18"

The beautiful white hawk is depicted here. This bird of prey ranges from 46–56 in length with very broad wings, and a white head, body, and underwings. Its upper wings are black, and it has a very short black tail with a broad white band. It has a black bill and yellow legs.

Price: TTD $5,850.00

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Title: The Naked Pool

Medium: Acrylic On Canvas

Size: 28" x 20"

Naked Pool showcases one of many waterfalls found in the rainforests of the tropics.

Price: TTD $7,875.00

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Title: River Bend

Medium: Acrylic On Canvas

Size: 18" x 14"

The many colourful nuances of light shimmering off the dappled surface of a river as it meanders around one of its many bends are illustrated here.

Price: TTD $5,062.60

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